CC Radio

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Builder Or A Wrecker

As I watched them tear a building down
A gang of men in a busy town
With a ho-heave-ho, and a lusty yell
They swung a beam and the side wall fell

I asked the foreman, "Are these men skilled,
And the men you'd hire if you wanted to build?"
He gave a laugh and said, "No, indeed,
Just common labor is all I need."

"I can easily wreck in a day or two,
What builders have taken years to do."
And I thought to myself, as I went my way
Which of these roles have I tried to play?

Am I a builder who works with care,
Measuring life by rule and square?
Am I shaping my work to a well-made plan
Patiently doing the best I can?

Or am I a wrecker who walks to town
Content with the labor of tearing down?
"O Lord let my life and my labors be
That which will build for eternity!"

-Author Unknown

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Remembering To Sit At The Feet Of Jesus

The other day I woke up and reminded myself to spend some time reading my Bible and praying.  Well before I did my phone rang and the doorbell sounded and in what seemed like a moment my whole day was gone and my opportunity to slow down and hear from Jesus was gone....
Has that ever happened to you?
It seems like it happens a lot with me and I don't think it's because I don't have time but because I often don't set my priorities clearly.
Needless to say setting priorities should be a constant task on my list and on top of that list needs to be to quiet my heart and sit at My Lord's feet and enjoy our time together.
Just some important thoughts on a random day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Earning Our Voice Again

The Church in America has been portrayed negatively by much of the media and Hollywood for some time now. How many times have you observed a news story where some church (cult rather) is picketing a soldiers memorial service and harassing the grieving family during the most difficult time in their life.

In a world where the Christian Gospel is so challenging to the current self-centered attitudes rejection would only seem to be the logical response to concepts of sacrifice and service. And when some in the Church are more known for what they are against rather than the love of God we give those wrestling through such a challenging message reason to reject the Gospel.

But what if The Church renewed their voice through love and kindness again? What if we placed a tremendous emphasis on loving our neighbor as ourselves again? What if we had the goal of bringing the message of Christ to people by earning their time by acts of service and love?  These are questions that should be foremost on our minds during this season of increase skepticism towards The Church and our Lord's Gospel.

I believe we live in a country of great opportunity for the Gospel of Christ. But are we willing to earn the right to be heard? A bullhorn and a Bible are a negative cultural stigma these days.

Let me also give some practice advice....  Often we take the Biblical call for personal holiness as a call towards isolation from the very people Jesus wants us to reach. Personal holiness is a real call, but so is the non-believer who needs to know the door is open and the welcome mat is there to walk across. If they are ever to check out our gatherings they need to understand our love. If they are ever to understand our love they need to get to know us. We can be a friend without comprising the Gospel Message. We can enjoy relationships with non-believers as we seek to build bridges and look for opportunities to be a blessing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Is My Neighbor?

I first met Jim right after I moved in next door to him Ten years ago. He had told me he was an alcoholic for over Forty years and was sober for the last Two months. He seemed serious about his sobriety and I congratulated him for it.
A few weeks later I was taking out my trash early in the morning and noticed many undercover law enforcement vehicles in front of my house. They all got out of their vehicles at once and before I knew what was happening they had my neighbor Jim in handcuffs on his front lawn. It turns out they were serving a warrant for one of Jim’s prior roommates. But when they asked me what I knew about Jim I remember saying he was a nice neighbor and a sober alcoholic.
Over the years we have had a rather friendly and casual relationship.
Over the next Ten years Alcoholics Anonymous became his life. Our church reached out to him by helping with his house projects and I would mow and edge his lawns often. I shared The Gospel with him many times and he was always respectively positive but never had time to pray with me or come to church.
Well over a year ago he developed liver cancer. I remember the first day he told me about it because he said it was his own fault for drinking for over 40 years and did not blame anyone. We prayed….and after his surgery it seemed he was going to make it. He came over more often and our relationship took a more personal and sensitive turn.
Then his liver cancer came back and the Doctor gave him Two months to live. I remember making a point to spend more time with him when he told me. We invited Jim and his girlfriend of twenty years over for dinner and a swim. My family really made a special time for them. We went swimming and had dinner and desert. Also Jim loved to go to the movies so two weeks I took him to see The Avengers. We had a really great time. I remember the feeling I had before taking him to the movies was one of pressure to share the Gospel again but also just wanting to show him a great time. My wife said that he would probably bring it up and before my car left the driveway he did. We had a great time and Jim said he was ready to meet Jesus….Two weeks later he did. My only regret is that I did not spend more time with him over the last ten years.
Watch The Video Testimony

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dodger Stadium Is Pleasant Again

Well I went to a Dodger game tonight and was pleasantly surprised with the security and generally friendly atmosphere. The amount of security personnel onsite was wonderful and the overall attitude was baseball again. I still feel ashamed when Dodger fans boooo their opponents but other than that I felt proud to be a Dodger fan again. I even saw fans with shirts from the Brewers (team they played tonight) who were enjoying themselves without fear of hospitalization. Even though we lost tonight I am proud to be a Dodger fan again. A big Thank you to the new owners.  BTW... there were even extra lights in the parking lot!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Good Post By Chuck Colson

Watch Your Tongue
Lessons from Rush
Chuck Colson
March 06, 2012
Radio host Rush Limbaugh had a bad week last week.
And thanks to his imprudent, unkind, and rude outburst against a female Georgetown University law student, so did the cause of religious freedom.
The student, Sandra Fluke, told democratic lawmakers that Georgetown University, a Catholic institution, did not provide insurance coverage for contraception. This, she said, meant that Georgetown law students would have to spend $3,000 of their own money for contraceptives over the course of their law-school tenure.
A reasonable response to Ms. Fluke’s statement would be to ask why a Catholic institution’s First Amendment rights should be overturned just because Ms. Fluke and her fellow law students want free contraception.
But Mr. Limbaugh’s response was anything but reasonable.
Instead, he called Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.”
And in so doing, he violated the rules of charity and civil discourse — and he gave the Obama Administration and the supporters of so-called “reproductive rights,” the ultimate political weapon: a symbol, a sympathetic victim, a martyr for the cause.
Well, when advertisers started withdrawing or threatening to withdraw from Limbaugh’s program, Limbaugh apologized. But the damage has been done.
The President didn’t miss his opportunity: He called Fluke and told her that her parents should be proud of her. The New York Timesran a front-page article about her. And you can bet we’ll be seeing plenty of her in the weeks and months to come.
The media, the Administration, and its allies now have the poster-child they need to keep framing the issue as being all about curtailing a woman’s access to contraception. As I said yesterday, that’s a red herring. Nobody is suggesting restricting access to contraception.
The issue here is religious freedom: whether religious institutions should be forced to violate the tenets of their faith by offering insurance that covers abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization. It will now be, I am sorry to say, an uphill climb to keep that issue in front of the public — a public that is driven more by images like that of a clean-cut young law student than it is by reason and constitutional issues like religious freedom.
So folks, what do we learn from this? First, we see just how coarsened our culture has become, the level to which public discourse has sunk — especially among the talking heads and some politicians. Ad hominem attacks, name-calling, outrageous statements designed to get attention . . . well, sadly we’ve come a long way since the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
Second, we Christians should remember the words of Paul in Romans 12: We are to overcome evil with good; we are to love our enemies. So, when we engage in debate, we must do so civilly, with winsomeness and charity, with respect for those we are debating, as we did so carefully in the Manhattan Declaration. If we don’t do this, then not only do we sin against charity, we set back the cause of the Kingdom.
As Martin Luther King, Jr., liked to say, “Whom you would change, you must first love.”  Vital words to remember as we try to shed light in this increasingly dark culture.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Empty Buildings-Chuck Colson
NYC Kicks Churches Out of Schools 
February 17, 2012
It’s no secret that Christianity has been unwelcome in public schools for a long time. But recently New York City’s government took an unprecedented step by forcing around 60 churches to vacate sanctuaries they pay to use.
Why? Because Monday through Friday, those sanctuaries also happen to be classrooms.
This deadline was set back in December, when the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of the 2nd Circuit’s decision upholding the City’s crass discrimination against communities of faith. New York at this time is the only major city in the nation to ban religious services in its school buildings. But this precedent does not bode well for what may happen in other cities.
The reasoning behind this decision was ludicrous. In his ruling, Circuit Judge Pierre Leval claimed that renting school property to churches implies “an unintended bias in favor of Christian religions,” that makes public schools look like “state-sponsored Christian churches…but not synagogues or mosques.”
New York City Department of Education spokeswoman Marge Feinberg, agreed: “Public school space[s]… which are funded by taxpayers’ dollars…cannot and should not be used for worship services, especially because school space is not equally available to all faiths.”
Hogwash. The last I checked, Muslim and Jewish groups weren’t standing in line waiting for a room on a Saturday or Sunday morning.
But more than that, it’s out-of-touch, both with history and reality. Public schools and churches in this nation have always shared space, dating back to the early, single-teacher schools that met in church buildings on the frontier. And today around the nation, thousands of congregations meet every week in public schools. If that’s a government endorsement of Christianity, then what about the millions of Americans who will cast their ballots this November in church buildings?
In addition to their blatant discrimination, city officials are also shooting themselves in the fiscal foot and harming the community.
By renting space, New York churches help alleviate budget shortfalls — something which, according to Fernando Santos of The New York Times — has hit the city’s schools hard. Without religious tenants, schools will find themselves further in the hole and may have to lay off more employees, including teachers.
Tim Keller, my good friend and pastor of New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian, says, “Family stability, resources for those in need, and compassion for the marginalized are all positive influences that neighborhood churches provide.” He’s right. George Russ of the New York Metropolitan Baptist Association noted that some churches have “purchased furniture for the teacher's lounge; they've given video equipment to the schools. They've done so many thank-you kinds of projects."
But all this apparently means nothing to New York bureaucrats and the Circuit Court in their effort to expunge religion from public life.
Christians introduced the virtue or tolerance into Western civilization, and we cherish it to this day. But apparently our faith is too much for the New York City government to tolerate in its empty buildings — even long after the bell has rung.