Just look at the practical benefits of gathering to worship with God's people: (1) The praise and worship team have dedicated their gifts in assisting you in drawing closer to The Lord. (2) The fellowship of believers you gather with is moving towards the heart of God and asking Him to minister to us. (3) The pastor has worked hard in preparing a sermon from Holy Scripture to fill you with wisdom and understanding and will exhort you to apply it to your life. (4) Personal prayer opportunities are available to you to get prayer for anything you need. (5) Rich and wonderful fellowship is aggressively offered that could develop into meaningful relationships for the rest of your life. (5) Practical opportunities are provided for us to use our talents and gifts to worship God through service. (6) The church is Christ's body on earth, and your participation in it is your participation in Him. (I Cor. 12) (7) And most importantly, Jesus is worthy of all our worship and has called us to come together as a church and worship Him....(Hebrews 10:25). I think the obvious take home from this devotional is we can NEVER be too busy for church...What could be more important?