Most of us, if we are honest, can be observed at times having a critical spirit. We also can be found evaluating others by our ideals rather than our actions. In Luke's Gospel chapter 20 we see many different religious rulers confronting Jesus by what they think is right. If we read that chapter and we are honest, on occasion we can see ourselves in acting just like them.
Often times our ideals become the litmus test upon others and, if we are honest, we don't even measure up to our own ideals. We as God's kids rely upon His grace and mercy for ourselves, but relagate others to our bad attitudes and opinions. We should repent of this critical spirit and remember where we came from and how Jesus treats us.

But, if you think this critical spirit towards others is bad, what about when we are critical towards God and His Word? "Oh", you might say, "I would never do that!" If we can again put ourselves in the same shoes as those opposing Jesus in Luke's Gospel chapter 20, we would see a ourselves from a whole new perspective. You see, I believe by our own lifestyles we often prove a critical spirit towards God and His Word. For example, how we spend our money, the types of entertainment we enjoy, they types of people we date, the decisions we make. These actions all reflect a critical view towards God's Word and His will for our lives.

So, how can we see this problem before we find ourselves critically putting Jesus and His Word to the test? Well, I believe it is as basic as any relationship. Just like in marriage, as you spend time with that special someone you begin to trust them more. As you listen to their heart you embrace what is important to them even if it doesn't seem important to you at first. As you place their desires above your own you find devotion replacing that critical spirit and love guiding your thought and actions.
So the antidote for a critical spirit towards God is love and devotion towards Jesus Christ and His Word...Yep you guessed it...Falling more in love with Jesus allows His love to consume our critical spirit...
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