Have you ever been down the cereal isle at any grocery store? Unless you know what you are looking for you very well might find yourself captured by the color of the boxes instead of the ingredients inside...I am so glad that my ministry is not the only one that God has given to the San Fernando Valley. I am so glad that my style of ministry is not the only one that is available to God's people. Variety is a wonderful thing, and within the Church of Jesus Christ God has put together so many different people who all love and follow His Son. But one of the problems the Church has experienced is what someone once called "Salad Bar Christianity." That is, going from local Church to local Church, and never becoming part of a fellowship of believers. Never investing your life into a "home" fellowship and never giving others a chance to invest into your life. Let's face it, The Kingdom of God is all about relationships. First a relationship with Jesus Christ, then with each other in the Body of Christ, and finally with our outreach through relationships into the World.
In God's Word three main metaphors are used to illustrate the Church of Jesus Christ;
- The Church As A Building - Ephesians 2:19-22
- The Church As A Body First Corinthians 12
- The Church As A Bride - Revelation 19:5-9
In each of these metaphors there is a clear picture of long-term relationships. A building, a body, and a bride are never to be temporary or transient. Even the Human Body, while temporary in this world will be the seed by which our new Resurrected bodies will be formed. So, why would anyone who is part of Jesus' Church not "plug in" and develop long-term relationship. Why would anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ not invest his or her life into others who are following Jesus as well.... Well, just a little something to challenge our Salad Bar attitudes.....
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